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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Scotch Broom-- friend or foe?

Scotch Broom is native to Europe, Asia, the Canary Islands and North Africa, but most importantly NOT native to the USA.
 In some areas of North America, common broom, introduced as an ornamental plant, has become naturalized and an invasive weed due to its aggressive seed dispersal; it has proved very difficult to eradicate. It is referred to locally as Scotch broom. Similarly, it is a major problem species in the cooler and wetter areas of southern Australia and New Zealand. Biological control for broom in New Zealand has been investigated since the mid-1980s. On the west coast of the United States, French broom (Genista monspessulana), Mediterranean broom (Genista linifolia) and Spanish broom(Spartium junceum) are also considered noxious invasives, as they are quickly crowding out native vegetation, and grow most prolifically in the least accessible areas. (info gleaned from

Another non native plant that is very invasive is the Himalayan Blackberry.

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